Happy New Year to you and a very warm welcome...
Read MoreWISHH stands for Working Independently to Support Hull Hospitals; which is exactly what we do. We are an independent charitable trust through which your kind donations and fundraising efforts can be coordinated, managed and then applied across the facilities, services and equipment at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital, for the benefit of patients and visitors alike.
Our community has come together to make a real difference...
Read MoreWISHH, the official charity of Hull Hospitals, invites members of...
Read MoreA dedicated team of 26 hospital staff and supporters recently...
Read MoreWISHH, the official charity of Hull Hospitals, is giving supporters,...
Read MoreI really love walking and I wanted to help my local NHS. Doing the Three Peaks has been a fsun challenge. I haven’t let the weather put me off reaching the top; plus, the thought of a big ice cream when I reach the top too keeps me going! It’s been good fun walking with my family and dogs knowing that I am helping my local hospitals too, just like Captain Tom did; it feels really good.
On behalf of the Queen’s Centre Day Unit, I would like to thank Kim and Paul for their fantastic support. The generosity of their wedding guests has enabled us to buy three sets of specialist weighing scales, which produce a printout for patients' medical records, enabling nurses to prepare medication. The scales have also helped reduce a patient's waiting time.
Often little things can make such a difference to patients like a hand held fan when breathlessness becomes troubling, a comforting wheat bag to help ease pain and other simple aids to help with everyday activities. Jane's donation will allow us to buy a selection of non-pharmalogical remedies to improve quality of life for our palliative patients and help us to keep up the care we are so passionate about. Jane's incredible physical feat and generosity will make a difference to many people, thank you!
Jane's inspirational story has touched all the nurses on the ward. The funds she has raised will go towards providing items for the comfort of cancer patients the ward cares for to help improve the quality of our patients' experience.
The funds Jane has raised will support a 12 week exercise and diet programme to help with long term self-management, and to encourage healthy lifestyle choices. The programme gives the patients the tools they need to make long term changes with food and to encourage daily exercise such as walking, gentle exercise, seated exercise, yoga and much more, the course also helps with building confidence, social isolation, low mood and feeling good about yourself after cancer treatment. This will make a positive impact to patients living with and beyond a cancer diagnosis.
I had an amazing time walking the London Marathon and I am grateful that so many people supported me. Three fantastic MacMillan Nursing Teams and their patients who are living with and beyond cancer will benefit from the money raised. Myself and my husband are both having cancer treatment and these teams are close to our hearts.
The team in the Children's Emergency Department are incredibly grateful to Lindsay for all her hard work raising money for the Airvo machines. These machines can help prevent the need for babies and children to be put into induced comas and onto other breathing machines such as ventilators. More families will now be able to stay in Hull rather than see their children transferred to intensive care units in other cities thanks to Lindsay's desire to make a difference to the lives of other children.
Experiencing first-hand the benefits the Airvo machine made to Ollie, we wanted to raise enough money to buy at least one more machine which we know will make a big difference to other children. Our fundraising exceeded expectations raising £3,770, allowing us to buy some amazing extras. It is fantastic to be able to know that we can try to help entertain sick children with toys and DVDs which made a massive difference in helping occupy Ollie whilst he was in the High Dependency Unit.
I would like to thank everyone who has donated and to the WISHH charity for their contributions towards the purchase of new wheelchairs. Wheelchairs are a valuable resource and these will help improve availability for patient movement at both our hospitals. Searching for a wheelchair, even for a few minutes, is not only frustrating, but can add delay getting patients to and from an appointment. These will not only benefit our patients, but also for the public who may need mobility assistance whilst visiting our hospitals.
I would like to sincerely thank all of the sewing stars who have worked tirelessly to support our hospitals with additional scrubs. These scrubs will be used by our medical and nursing staff across wards and departments at Hull Hospitals. This donation of scrubs will boost staff morale as each pair donated has been lovingly made by members of our community.