Help WISHH raise smiles for sick children this Easter
Hull Hospital’s WISHH Charity, are helping raise smiles across children’s wards this Easter by providing arts, crafts, games and other themed items to help keep children and young people occupied over the Easter holiday period. Here’s how you can get involved.
Traditionally the children’s wards at Hull Royal Infirmary receive kind offers of chocolate treats for youngsters spending time in hospital. However, Sister Anne Dalby on the Woodland Ward, said “Across the children’s wards at Hull Hospitals we look after children and young people with complex medical needs, special dietary requirements, eating disorders and babies and toddlers with specialist health conditions. If kind hearted members of our community are wanting to help us spread the magic of Easter, funds can be donated to WISHH instead of delivering chocolates, to enable the generosity to go further and wider.
“We worked alongside WISHH to do this over the past four years, and they teamed up with our play specialists and nursing staff to buy arts and craft materials, activities, toys, games books, distraction and sensory items as well as baby toys for the wards and gifts for teenagers. With a little bit of WISHH magic, these gifts can be enjoyed by many more children and young people over weeks and months from the funds donated. The children had such fun making Easter Bonnets, crafting cards and Easter themed items and messages were the delivered by staff to older patients at our hospitals delivering joy across the wards.
“We know people love to collect eggs and we’re always grateful for this, but at the same time, we hope people will also understand that winter bugs still pose a risk to patients with weakened immunity, staff and visitors. By making a donation to WISHH marked ‘Easter’ is a great way of ensuring young people still benefit from the kindness of the local community, but in a way which is healthy and safe for all, and likely to benefit a greater number of children.
Lisa Whitton, WISHH Charity Manager said, “We love to be able to bring the WISHH magic and sunshine to children spending time in hospital. We have received calls from members of the public and community groups, asking how they can support children this Easter. Working with the staff on our children’s wards, we know we can benefit so many more young people by using funds raised through WISHH Easter donations to purchase items that will keep youngsters occupied, entertained and show their creativity.”
To discover a wonderful array of Easter themed fundraising activities and pack, visit www.wishhcharity.org.uk/event/easter-2024 You will also find details of how to make a donation. Donations to the appeal can also be made by sending a cheque made payable to “WISHH Charity”, and posted to WISHH Charity – Easter, First Floor Administration Block, Castle Hill Hospital, Castle Road, Cottingham, HU16 5JQ. Writing on the back “Easter”.
For further information, please get in touch with Lisa Whitton on 01482 622299 or email lisa.whitton3@nhs.net
Follow us on all social media including Facebook, ‘X’ (formally Twitter) and Instagram @WISHHcharity.